About the Conference



4th Industrial Revolution


To bring together scattered like-minded students currently pursuing or looking to pursue an education in the STEM field and provide them with a platform that can equip them with the necessary insights and knowledge to stay ahead of the curve with regards to the latest technological advancements in the context of the 4th industrial revolution.


To transform this event initiative into an ongoing effort aimed at consistently exposing students to the industry and educating them.


To gather like-minded Malaysians students in an event to spark discussions and raise awareness on relevant ongoing issues related to STEM centred around Malaysia.

To source the brightest minds for our sponsors.

To provide a platform for networking between students and Malaysian employers.

To produce an opportunity for companies to interact with students by showcasing what their objectives are and the latest projects they are involved in.

About Young Malaysian Engineers (YME)

Young Malaysian Engineers (YME-UK) is a student organisation that aims to represent and develop Malaysian engineering students in the UK. YME-UK was founded based on the success of the first ever Malaysian Students’ Technology Conference (MSTC) back in 2016. Coherent to the aims of the organisation, YME-UK hopes to bridge the gap of opportunities between Malaysian engineering students in the UK whilst also developing different soft skills for engineering via networking sessions and workshops. Ultimately, YME-UK aims to make a positive impact on society and help pave the way towards a better Malaysia. Since the society’s inception, YME-UK strives to assist Malaysian engineering students in the best way we can so that they may become memorable contributors to the society. We hope that in the future, Malaysian engineers will be known to be at the forefront of implementing the latest technology for the benefit of society.

About Malaysian Students Technology Conference (MSTC)

Malaysian Students’ Technology Conference ( MSTC) is a student-led conference that was established last year in 2016. The event saw speakers and panels sessions whose topics covered local innovations in Malaysia and the imperative role of technology in social and environmental advancements. As an event first of its kind, MSTC2016 was deemed a success and was the prime factor in kick-starting YME-UK which now acts as a platform that gathers Malaysian students pursuing Engineering/STEM courses in the United Kingdom and aims to further develop them through various initiatives.

As a continuation, the theme for this year's conference is set to revolve around The Fourth Industrial Revolution as we feel that the significant technological change currently happening is an important topic to highlight to Malaysian youths interested in or currently pursuing their passions in the STEM field. We aim to be a platform to stimulate critical discussions on development of science and technology in Malaysia. MSTC wishes to seize a window of opportunity to attract students that normally would not get much exposure in the Malaysian industry scene to better prepare them for when the time comes for them to serve their country’s economy as skilled workers across a myriad of fields.