The Malaysian Student’s Technology Conference (MSTC), organised under Malaysian Students Society of Manchester (MSSM) and in partnership with TalentCorp Malaysia, is an annual event connecting the brightest students and graduates with leading executives, academics and entrepreneurs from the technology field.
As the largest event of its kind, the Conference provides an unmatched opportunity to discuss current developments in the technology industry with a line-up of accomplished speakers and a chance to network with future co-workers and employers. The event covers a breadth of recent topics and features panel discussions, keynote addresses, workshops and networking opportunities. This event is ideal for undergraduates and postgraduates from a wide range of disciplines and universities interested in pursuing a career in the technology field.
Participation is free for all. You’ll only need to pay a deposit fee which will be returned to you when you register at the conference. More details on ticketing, speaker line-up and the event itself will be posted here and our Facebook Page.